Triangle Land mid-rise residential development



  • TYPE



    Claridge Homes



  • YEAR


The project is located in Ottawa’s suburbs, on a 6.2 hectare site that local residents refer to as “Triangle Land”. The site’s irregular shape, steep slope and discontinuous link to the road were the main drivers behind the project’s urban and architectural approach.

The neighbouring lots are occupied by vast commercial zones and paved areas, and the residential neighbourhoods beyond are composed predominantly of single-family homes. Given the presence large retail establishments in the area and the general lack of medium to high density residential infrastructure in this area of the city, the proposed project is a mid-rise residential development with limited commercial space that will primarily serve residents. This pioneering development project offers new context and opens the door to urban redevelopment allowing residential expansion within the existing commercial area.

The complex winds through the site, with each end set on the main arterial roads to form easily identifiable entry portals. The buildings are punctuated by taller structures, like focal points, which serve to break up the rhythm of the long façades. Gateways connect the generous outdoor public spaces and allow for fluid pedestrian and bicycle traffic.


Georges Drolet, Partner-in-Charge T514 393-9490

Contact us

Montreal 1435 St-Alexandre Street, Suite 1000 Montreal, Quebec H3A 2G4 T. 514 393-9490
Ottawa 135, Laurier Avenue West, Suite 268 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J2 T. 613 518-2165
Toronto 75 Sherbourne St, Suite 503 Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2P9 T. 647 723-2030
Quebec City 1650 de la Canardière, Suite 205 Quebec, Quebec, G1J 1C9 T. 514 393-9490