March 26, 2013

As part of Arctic Adaptations presented at the Venice Biennale in Architecture, EVOQ was selected by an independent committee to be among the five teams bringing together architectural design firms, schools of architecture and organizations from Nunavut to reflect on issues specific to Nunavut architecture. EVOQ will contribute to the theme of education with Clyde River-based Ilisaqsivik Society and Université de Montréal’s School of Architecture.

Designed to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Nunavut in 2014, Arctic Adaptations presents innovative architectural projects that have their source in the culture, territory and climate of Nunavut, and that reflect local traditions of migration, mobility and seasonality. Given the environmental, social and economic forces that transform the Arctic today, the exhibition aims to demonstrate how architecture can promote the development of strong, healthy and vibrant northern communities.

The Venice Biennale of Architecture will be held from June 7 to November 23, 2014. A Canadian tour is scheduled after the event.

For more information:  http://www.arcticadaptations.ca

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