Sayeh Jolan

OAQsjolan@evoqarchitecture.com514 393-9490 / 232

Sayeh has refined her analytical skills over her career to respond to the multifaceted demands of architectural projects. As a design architect and project manager, Sayeh’s interest in the study of the human habitat in all its forms guides her approach to projects. She prioritizes close collaboration between all project stakeholders, putting the needs of the building’s occupants at the forefront of the overall design. Throughout her career, Sayeh has developed a diverse portfolio with considerable expertise in residential projects of all scales. She is well-versed in urban design and has contributed to multiple significant projects, including the Montreal-Trudeau International Airport. 

Sayeh’s projects at EVOQ include real estate development and master planning mandates in Ottawa, multi-family residential projects in Montreal, and architectural competitions. She is furthermore involved in the development of projects with Indigenous communities, such as the Projet Autochtone du Québec (PAQ). 

Sayeh joined EVOQ in 2021 and holds a Master of Architecture from the Université de Montréal and a bachelor’s in environmental design from the Université du Québec à Montréal. With a background in the conservation of built heritage, she is committed to the legacy of the past and the traces that will be left for future generations. She is currently the Vice-President of the board of directors for the Cité-Jardin du Tricentenaire in Montreal.  

Feature projects

Contact us

Montreal 1435 St-Alexandre Street, Suite 1000 Montreal, Quebec H3A 2G4 T. 514 393-9490
Ottawa 135, Laurier Avenue West, Suite 268 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J2 T. 613 518-2165
Toronto 75 Sherbourne St, Suite 503 Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2P9 T. 647 723-2030
Quebec City 1650 de la Canardière, Suite 205 Quebec, Quebec, G1J 1C9 T. 514 393-9490
EVOQ Stratégies