Julia Gersovitz, O.C.

OAQ OAA AANB CAHP FAPT FRAIC jgersovitz@evoqarchitecture.com514 393-9490 / 206

Julia Gersovitz O.C. is one of EVOQ’s co-founders and leads the firm’s large-scale heritage projects. Julia began her career in conservation when the discipline was still undeveloped in Canada. She is considered a national leader in the field of conservation and the rehabilitation of historic buildings. Combining heritage protection with design, her architectural approach aims at maintaining or re-establishing the relevance of buildings of all ages for the present and the future.

Julia has a thorough understanding of cultural, economic, functional and regulatory issues related to making interventions on heritage sites. Her ability to reconcile protection needs with contemporary expectations has been recognized in numerous award-winning projects.

In addition to her practice, Julia is a Professor of Practice at the McGill University School of Architecture where she has taught conservation and history courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels since 1980. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Montreal in the Master’s of Heritage Conservation Program. She continues to be a visiting professor in Canada and abroad. Julia has served as a member of numerous design review commissions, at both the provincial and municipal levels. Her community engagement has included directorships on the boards of various not-for-profit organizations, including Heritage Montreal.

In 2015, Julia was honoured with the Gabrielle Léger Medal by the National Trust for Canada for lifetime achievement in conservation in Canada. In 2018, Julia was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada, by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, for her contributions to heritage conservation in Canada and abroad.

Feature projects

West Block of Parliament

Wellington Building

Rideau Hall

McGill University Arts Building

St. George’s Anglican Church

Sir George-Étienne Cartier Monument

Jean-Talon Train Station

St. Patrick’s Basilica

Gault Hotel

Le 357c

Union Station

Contact us

Montreal 1435 St-Alexandre Street, Suite 1000 Montreal, Quebec H3A 2G4 T. 514 393-9490
Ottawa 135, Laurier Avenue West, Suite 268 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J2 T. 613 518-2165
Toronto 75 Sherbourne St, Suite 503 Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2P9 T. 647 723-2030
Quebec City 1650 de la Canardière, Suite 205 Quebec, Quebec, G1J 1C9 T. 514 393-9490
EVOQ Stratégies